I can keep a secret. I want you all to know that. Let me repeat that, this girl can keep a secret! I'm not telling what I know! No way, you're not getting it out of me!
We ususally go to my daughter Sarah Kate's to watch the Bengal's games. We are big Bengal fans but my daughter and son in law, Bennie, are over the top Bengal fans. So their house is Bengal Central on game days. I took a roast and some green beans over and she had some things to add to a meal so we made it a dinner-game-party. My son Patrick and his soon to be bride, Amber were there as well. We watched the game and cheered, and groaned, and hoped, and got our hopes up, and had our hopes dashed and well, that's just how it is when you're a Bengals fan, what can I say? We had fun though.
Back in April, Sarah had a miscarriage. They have infertility problems and had finally managed to get pregnant with artificial insemination . We were absolutely thrilled and looking forward to a baby this winter. To say that the miscarriage was a very sad thing for them would be an understatement. Our hearts broke for them. Just in the recent past three of her cousins have had babies and two of them just announced that they were pregnant again. Sarah is also a nurse and works in a pediatric practice so she is around babies all day long. Her co-workers have had a bumper crop of babies lately too. But what a trooper she is. She is happy for everyone, truly. I'm sure that she has shed many tears when no one could see, but to the world she shows a smile and sincere joy for those with babies. My Sarah Kate is so precious.
Sarah called me this morning but I'm not allowed to tell anyone what she told me. Remember, I said this girl could keep a secret. Well, I am NOT telling you what she told me. Nope, not me. Forget it, it won't work, I'm not sayin'.
You know, watching football and cheering for a losing team is very thirsty work. One tends to drink a lot of Diet Coke while cheering and hoping. One sometimes drinks so much Diet Coke that they find that they have to use the bathroom. Did you know that? Well, it's true. Sarah has a really pretty bathroom. I like to look around at the things she has on display in there when I have occasion to go in there. And wouldn't you know...today I saw something new that wasn't there the last time I visited her bathroom. I was just wondering what this strange thing could be and I had this amazing thought! I thought, "I know, I'll ask my friends on the Internet if THEY know what this strange new piece of decor could be. Soooo....I'm asking!

Remember.....I DIDN'T say a word!
OMG!!! She's pregnant!!! How exciting for you!!!!
Gee! I didn't see a thing... really I didn't! lol Our son has been married 10 years and they are really wanting a baby now. :( Hope you have a good day and you are right... you know how to keep a secret. hehehe Blessings, Janie
I love that bathroom decor thingy, I used to have a pink striped shower curtain that matches it. lol. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, Congrats and best wishes to your daughter. That is awesome!!!
WhooooHoooo, a baby!!! How wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Pooh Hugs,
P.S............Your secret is safe with me L)
I'm so thrilled for all of you! My daughter and her hubby would love to have a baby and it just hasn't happened and it saddens me for them and well me too. Cause I love being a Granny! My stepdaugther had a miscarrige a few months ago, sad can't begin to describe how it has such an impact on one's life.
Sometimes you don't need to say a word and still get the message across loud and clear. Your secret is safe, not a word uttered. :-)
Love how you decorated this, care to tell me how you did it?
It's a themometer
How wonderful for you all. I will pray that all goes well this time around. Congratulations to all.
Congrats!!praying for success...glad u like my insert for America the Beautiful...now imagine here...(insert Isn't she lovely) (Stevie Wonder)....lol
Congrats again
Thanks Melissa for droppin by my journal! i'm adding yours to my readers list if you'd like to add mine here's my link: http://karebear4x4.blogspot.com/..i was born in Kentucky, Ft Thomas to be exact i grew up a Bengals fan, but dropped them decades ago. i still have family across from Cincinnati over the river. maybe when i'm back visiting one day, i'll look you up, but don't hold your breath, i only go back there every few years..lol again thanks for droppin in. i like your journal~kbear(karen)
I think I've seen one of these before, maybe...but I can't quite remember what they are called or what it means. De ;)
PS: Congratulations!!
Congrats! How exciting!
Looks like a um toothbrush for a person with one tooth...yea that's it!
HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo hoo! Congrats! You're too funny, by the way!
Woo hoo, I am SO EXCITED for you and for them! This is WONDERFUL news, and I'm so excited that you've shared it!
Wonderful news....I'll be quiet I swear.
LOL Congrats, G'ma! ;o)
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