I made a huge mistake the other day. I knew even as the words were coming out of my mouth that I was tempting fate but did I heed the warning I heard going off in my head...nooo! I was talking to Emily on the phone telling her how everyone around here has had a terrible cold and fever. She warned me to watch out that I didn't get it. And that's when I got so dang sure of myself. I just puffed out my chest and chuckled as I went on and on about how I'm immune to all those germs that the mere mortal members of my family so weakly surrendered to. I recounted the patients I've taken care of over the past years that have exposed me to every germ known to man only to have those germs bounce off of my Teflon resistance. "Don't worry about me", I said, I laugh in the face of a measly little rhinovirus". Yeah, I'm stupid.
Less than twelve hours later my throat felt a little scratchy. A few hours after that as I was a little over four hours in to a sixteen and a half hour shift my glands became swollen and it's been nothing but downhill ever since. I've taken every over the counter remedy I can think of and nothing helps. (What they say is true; if you treat a cold it lasts for a week, if you don't treat it, it lasts seven days.) It boggles the mind how much snot one head can manufacture.
I have decided that the person who thought of putting lotion into tissues should be granted sainthood immediately. Having said that, it needs more work because after two days of blowing and wiping no amount of lotion works.
And then today, which is day four of my comeuppance, I have alternated between having a tissue stuffed up BOTH nostrils because of the constant drip..drip...drip, to being not able to breathe through my nose AT ALL! I mean really, it's like someone filled my nostrils with concrete. I'm such a fun girl!! While typing this paragraph I've experienced both!
So, I've learned my lesson. Yessireebob! Never ever again will I boast about something NEVER happening to me. Color me humble (with a very red nose).
But oh, I almost forgot to mention one little thing. Have I ever told you all how I've NEVER EVER won the lottery? I haven't, and I am just so very proud of that. No way am I ever going to win some silly lottery, I'm immune!
I do hope you feel better soon. I've been there and done that one too. Yes tissues with lotion are wonderful for awhile...take good care and I'm with you I don't want and never have won the lottery either. 'On Ya'-ma
good luck hitting the lottery lol!
LMBO...too funny ;)...here's to your health!....and your wealth!
We have the same rule around my work with the phrase: "Gee, we haven't had a dead body in a while..."
Lottery, huh? I had you figured for more of a Bingo woman. LOL
Hahaha! Very cute entry--that nasty rhinovirus hasn't affected your sense of humor!
I'm not a real superstitious person, but I have to admit that when I say something like that, I really do knock on wood so I don't jinx myself!
Feel better soon, Melissa. It has to be close to being over, if you've had it for 4 days!
Hugs, Beth
Feel better soon!
I bragged last year that I never get sick either. bad move... I was sick for 2 and half weeks, lost 10 pounds and thought I was going to DIE!!
Sorry to hear your sick. I hope you feel better soon.
Awwwww hope you are feeling better hon, Hugs Lisa
Gesundheit :o)
Maybe if you promise to share the lottery with all of us you will win. Ha Cute entry and feel better soon.
this happens to me ALL the time, so i quit bragging. i've been fighting a sinus infection for about 3 days now-- i'm hoping i can hold it off completely!
feel better soon!
i've moved, so you may want to update your reader!
Hey! I'm immune to winning the lottery too! ;p
By the time you read this, I hope Alex will have given birth to my new grandson! Her water broke 16 hours ago and she's now in Chicago Lying In on a Pit drip, but so far no baby! The doc (I won't say her doc, because she has none, her doc having left the practice a couple of weeks ago) says we'll have a baby by noon Tuesday, so think good thoughts! Of course I'll post details, and I'm flying to Chicago next Monday.
In the meantime, I hope you're soon feeling MUCH better!
Knock on wood, i haven't had a cold this winter yet. i hope it stays that way. i hope you feel better soon. i drink a shot of whiskey every day to combat mine-if you'd like to try that. take care. HUGZ~kbear
In the back of my mind I could hear the words from my Granny.. "Be careful what you say because the old devil pounces on every word you say." lol Sure hope you get to feeling better. I am not very fond of colds and the flu!! Prayers and hugs, Janie
Lotions fine but beware of the menthol tissues. If you ever run out of toilet paper and grab one without thinking well.....It is NOT fun! Feel free to join in on two cents Tuesday anytime on anything, Hugs, Jen
Sorry to hear you not feeling well hon. I hope the rhinovirus is gone soon. I can't tell you how many times I've blessed the man who put lotion in the tissues. Whenever I'm sick, it's always Alka Seltzer cold medicine for me. I make it with warm water and it's almost instant relief. Your in my thoughts dear one. No luck with me winning the lottery, I don't even play *winks*..(Hugs)Indigo
I hope you are feeling much better soon! Your Pay it Forward gift from me should be arriving any time, so I hope that will make you feel a little bit better knowing someone cares!!! ;) Bless you! Even if you didn't sneeze! LOL! Lisa
I have a cold too, but I wasn't bragging about my usual health, so it could just be random. Nice and snowy here, the perfect day to stop by everyone who is following my blog. Thanks for still reading now that I made my mind up to blog again.
I am with you on sainthood for the person who first put lotion into tissues, but when I used to bring boxes to Dad's facility everyone would wipe their glasses with them and then you had a room full of old people bumping into each other from clouded vision. ~Mary
I hope your feeling better - I like the lotion in the kleenix too. However you are right, it's only helpful the first couple of days.
As for the lottery - I will NEVER EVER win the lottery either! ;-) I mean really ... the lottery, I'm immune myself.
PS - just as an FYI, I'm not totally against meds. I take a med that has changed my life for the better. :-)
Let us know when you win the lottery and I hope you feel better soon. :)
I hope it works...and that you are better soon!
Oh it never fails! Fate will always put things into perspective for us. Hope you're on the mend soon.
Hugs (from a distance),
Oh those are the worste colds the ones that leave your nose raw! Feel better soon and hey, by the way I have never won the lottery either!!!
Cute post!
i knowd dat feedin - i gotta code too...
get better soon.
stop by my page for a visit...I have something for you...hope you're feeling better too! ;)
Thanks for coming by for a visit! I hope you are feeling better. It sure is going around. The King and the princess are sick at our house. I keep on trying not to catch it!
LOL I hope that last paragraph works and that you are next blogging about the millions you will share with me, your new best friend. LOL LOL LOL. God bless you and hope the cold goes away quickly. Feel better soon!!!
and I was serious about that sharing thing.
Lisa in Kentucky
I've always been fascinated by this paradox: we are advised to speak positive yet not tempt fate. If you say, "I never get sick." then you should never get sick.
However, since you read Abraham, you know that saying "I" and "SICK" together means you will get sick.
WHEW! IT's a lot to keep in mind, isn't it?
At any rate, hope you are feeling better!
Thanks so much for visiting me! I hope you're lots better by now! I would gladly share my deviled eggs if you were close by!
While I'm so sorry to find you feeling so lousy (and I can sympathize due to my own bout a few weeks back), I'm so glad to see that you haven't lost your touch for humor.
I'm just wondering how so many of us developed the lottery immunity.
Good to see ya
Just had to come back and check in on you. I hope all is well. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.
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