Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A trip down memory lane...

I was looking through a disc of scanned old pictures today and was transported back to when my grown kids were little. The quality of these pictures is not up to today's standards but the memories are no less precious. These won't mean much of anything to anyone else, but they are among my most treasured possessions. Feel free to skip over this post if it bores you, but I want to incorporate these pictures here for myself.

This is actually from a disc that Emily made, so a few of them are of her alone. Just so you know I'm not being partial here! (I have no favorites!)

This is Sarah Kate, She was either in 3rd or 4th grade, and she and her little friend were in the Star Search Talent Contest at their school. I made their skirts out of felt. They sang HE'S A REBEL. Soo darn cute.

This is me holding Patrick on New Year's Eve 1981. Would you look at all that natural collagen in my face!! I want it back. Now!
These pictures didn't load in the order that I wanted them to and I can't figure out how to move them around (if anyone knows how to do that could you please tutor me?!) This is Patrick, Emily and Sarah dressed up for Halloween. I think this was about 1990. Emily (glasses) did this character she called "Aunt Emma", it was a hoot. I would give anything to have that on video. Aunt Emma made many appearances over the years.

Here they are on the first day of school 1988. Patrick - 3rd grade, Emily - 1st grade, and Sarah - Kindergarten.

This one was a year earlier, when Patrick was in second grade and Emily was in Kindergarten.

This was their Christmas picture one year. They were about 5, 3, and 2.

This was their summer picture in 1984

This was taken the summer before in 1983

Here are Patrick and Emily - Christmas 1982. We were awaiting the arrival of Sarah Kate.

Patrick and Emily, Summer 1983. Love the hat!!

This is Emily at Kiawah Island, South Carolina. We used to vacation there almost every summer. This has always been one of my very favorite pictures of her.(I think the reason is obvious!

This one I love because when Emily came home from the first day of Kindergarten and I asked her how she liked school she put her little hands on her hips and said, "I don't like it. They DIDN'T teach me to read today!" And let me tell you, she meant it. Soo, she taught herself to read over the next several days. I kid you not. And that is Emily in a nutshell. When she makes up her mind to do something, you can put it in the bank. It's gonna happen. The most goal-oriented person I've ever known in my life. (When I grow up, I wanna be just like her!!)

Here are Emily and Sarah on Christmas morning 1985

This is to prove that I have no vanity, apparently!!!! What in the world was up with my hair? I think it had something to do with having three kids under the age of 5!! Get a load of those pinstriped jeans!


Monica said...

I enjoyed taking a peek at your past when your children were young. Wouldn't you just give to have one of those days back? I miss those younger years of my children and wish I had been more aware of how fast time would go and make them into young men/women.

I use Live Writer to submit my blog entries and I find that the easiest way to put the photos in the order I want. I write the entry then just drop the photos in where I want them. It's much easier than the blogger set up.

If you have questions about the Live Writer, e-mail me! SonEnSmilinMon@gmail.com


Monica said...

All three of your children were really cute with wonderful smiles. :-)

I forgot to mention that!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I enjoyed all the pictures of your beautiful children. What fun it is to look back and remember those days. They did go by so fast. My granddaughter said the same thing her first day of Kindergarten. She thought they'd teach her to read too. She loves reading now and does alot of it.

Cindi said...

Lovely pics...thx for sharing...Where does the time go???

garnett109 said...

Great pics thanks for sharing!

Janie said...

Awwww those are all beautiful photos. Beautiful children and mamma too. Thank you for sharing. Don't take long for these kids to grow up! Don't seem that way when they are little. lol My 2 oldest are 18 months apart, wheee, how did we do it??? lol Just stopping in to say hello and to wish you a Merry Christmas. Busy time of the year for me. Thank you for sharing, sure it took some time to put all the photos in. To get the photos where you want them... you have to use hotmail :-( Not hard but just takes some time. In my prayers, Janie

Missie said...

I really enjoyed looking at the pictures.

Hey, I had some of those pin stiped jeans in the 80s too! LOL

kbear said...

What treasures these are:-). thank you for sharing. memories to last a lifetime.~kbear

Beth said...

Very cute pictures of the little blondies!

You can get pictures where you want them by clicking so that they have the little squares at the corners and sides...know what I mean? Then drag and drop them to where you want them.


Diama ~*a.k.a*~ Cherry said...

lovely photos thanks for sharing.

Paula said...

Ah memories....those are great pics, I love the one where we notice the natural collagen in your face...that was hilarious!
Great post! I'm enjoying reading your blog!

Terri said...

I loved taking a stroll down memory lane with you....I love pics!

Your kids are ohhh sooo cute...your beautiful as well!

Thanks for sharing..


David said...

What great picture. They grow up so fast, don't they? Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!

Rose said...

my kids are around your kids ages. I used to get pictures taken every year and never missed a Santa pic. Even the hair cuts are the same as my boys!!! so adorable!

Sage Ravenwood said...

I loved this trip down memory lane with you. There is so much joy in seeing the love and growth of your kids. (Hugs)Indigo

Wes said...


I loved your trip down memory lane and I must say you have a wonderful family!

Thank you for the chance to see your family through your eyes!

I wish you and your family a good week. I wish you and your family a Wonderful Holiday this year!


Chris said...

Those are some great pictures. I loved the one with the story of Emily getting mad about the first day of school.

As far as moving pictures around, once they are in the draft, I just left click and hold the click down on the picture, then drag it to where I want in the post. Blogger also seems to add a blank line or two after each one that I have to delete (see the empty space on the bottom of yours?). It is a bit cumbersome and maybe I'm doing it wrong (that's what my wife said about me on our honey moon! ha ha ha ha .... sorry) but that's the only way I've been able to get them where I want.

redpoppy007@aol.com said...

You have some pretty children...I love old pics...
Have a good weekend and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

oh what great memories! De ;)