Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pictures from Grandmotherville!!

Before Emily hits the road with her laptop this morning I wanted to get some pictures up for you all to see.

Here is Aunt Em getting her turn...

Here I am playing with that precious little mouth. He has very sensitive skin and is covered in a rash that has us all horrified. It looks like it would be so itchy but he doesn't seem to be bothered with it. They say it will just disappear over the next couple of days.

On Mommy's lap. She is a natural mother!

Brooks just being precious!

Sweet Bennie holding his boy....I tell you guys, it would melt your heart!


Cindi said...

OMGoodness....sweet pics of Brooks...we have been waiting forever to see you!!!!...I want to gobble up his toes....Love em!!


kbear said...

O how beautiful!...and sweet! the preciousness of a new life! congrats again to all! welcome to the world Brooks!

emmapeelDallas said...


He is BEAUTIFUL! Oh, I am SO happy for all of you! What a wonderful world, isn't it?


kanishk said...

how beautiful!...and sweet! the preciousness of a new life! congrats again to all! welcome to the world Brooks!

Work From Home