Austin and I made a quick run to the library tonight. (it's a secret fantasy of mine to be locked up in the library for a week!!!) While he browsed in the children's section I was in my own little piece of heaven on earth just browsing to my hearts content. I had heard of this book about Fred Rogers before and in fact I almost bought it last month when I was redeeming my Barnes & Noble gift card online.
My kids watched Mr Roger's Neighborhood when they were little and I loved to listen to his calming voice as I took advantage of them being occupied by cleaning or doing laundry or cooking dinner. Fred Rogers has been the butt of many jokes, not the least of which was by SNL. He was, I suppose, an easy target. What a shame. It was always evident to me that he really knew how to talk to kids. I didn't know a whole lot about him then, just that my kids liked his show and I was comfortable with his message.
In recent years I've read a little more about him and everything I have read only supported my previous opinion of him. So, I was happy to see the above book in a library display tonight. I snatched it up and started reading it as soon as things settled down here tonight. I am only on page 27 of 198 pages and already I know that this little gem of a book is going to be one of my all time favorites. In fact, I have already decided that each of my kids will have their own copy of it in the very near future. I am also going to buy a copy for myself because already in 27 pages I've had to remind myself that this is a library book and I'm not allowed to highlight anything.
Do yourself a favor and buy yourself a copy of this little book. In fact, buy several copies and give them to those you love. There are lessons here that will speak to your heart, I promise.
It's kind of sad that anything that is simple and good in the world becomes a target for malcontents. I always thought the SNL parodies were rather tasteless and crude.
Heaven forbid someone actually stand for something these days.
Thanks for the info. I'll have to look for it. Is it just recently published? I'm always on the look out for something inspirational to read and to share too.
'On Ya'-ma
thx for the sharing...I'll go check it out today!
I just pulled up his bio, I never knew he was a minister.
I'll have to see if I can find that book.
Thanks for sharing.
I never liked Mr. Rogers. Not the man of course, just the show. I have heard some great stuff about the guy however.
Enjoy your day,
I loved watching Mr. Rogers when I was little...he had a way to capture your attention..it was one of my favorites as a child!
I'll check it out next time I am at the bookstore...may even buy me a copy..
I've read that he was really a very remarkable man. Thanks for the tip!
I'll have to get it a read! Thanks.
I am all caught up now... :) sayng prayers for you and your fmaily...Sorry I have been MIA since before Christmas...
I knew a few things about him and have forgotten. :( I know that he was a nice man; and yes he did have such a calm voice. Glad you are enjoying your book. Hope you have a blessed week. Hugs, Janie
Of course my kids & I loved Mr. Rogers! In fact, Christopher's first word was "ROGERS!", delivered emphatically, with one finger pointing in the air to show he meant business as he stood barefoot in the kitchen in his diaper letting me know he wanted to watch that show NOW! When Mr. Rogers died, I was working in child psychiatry and one of our interns came in with tears in her eyes to tell me of his passing. He truly made the world a better place for his presence. I'm going to get a copy of the book.
Thanks, Melissa!
I loved that man!
Oh I always loved Mr. Rogers too!! I kind of miss the days of hearing cartoons and children's programs constantly in the background as I was cleaning and cooking. Now they watch the Disney channel a lot and it's not the same. Instead of adopting the cute little dances and lessons about ABC's and how to share, it's more about attitude. We seem to have enough of that without the tv helping LOL.
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